Friday, March 11, 2011

Something about Converse that I'm not aware of?

There's a very nice thrift store around the corner from Adriana's dance school. On good-weather days Clay and I walk over and browse while Adriana's in class. Yesterday I found a new pair of black and gray Converse shoes in Clay's size for half-off $3.50,I believe it was. I was happy with my find because they were SO cute,and surely a great bargain in comparison to the prices I remember seeing back when Ashton and Brandi were into Converse shoes just like these. However,I was really surprised at Clay's reaction! He typic
ally loves all shoes of any kind...will try to grab any he can reach when we're out shopping and at home is always happy and cooperative when I put his shoes on. I'm sure he associates shoes with going outside or somewhere,and he LOVES "to go"! Additionally,I've witnessed him attempting to put a Barbie shoe on his big toe...which sort of has nothing to do with this......but then again maybe it does attest to the fact that he loves any and all types of shoes? Anyway,when I showed him the shoes he firmly said,"NO!" and shook his head. He got really mad when I persisted with the shoes. I couldn't get them onto his feet to try on because he was fighting my efforts and curled his toes up. I was quite sure they'd fit so I bought them anyway. Clay's got a cold right now....has been uncharacteristically cranky and difficult. I attributed his rejection of the shoes to that and felt sure it was just a temporary thing,his objection to these cute shoes. So....pleased with my purchase we headed back over to the ballet school. I had the shoes in a bag hanging from his stroller. While I sat down to write a check for Adriana's tuition she looked in the bag to inspect the fuzzy neon green throw pillow I'd bought her. When she spotted the shoes she pulled them out and yelled,"I DON'T LIKE THESE!" She held them by the tip of the far away as possible from her face,as though she were holding a disgusting dead mouse instead of a pair of new shoes. I assured her that the shoes belonged to Clay and she'd never have to wear them. At this point she informed me that Clay didn't like them either and definitely would NOT be wearing them! She always has spoken for Clay,for instance,"Clay wants some potatoes.","Clay is mad at Maw-Maw.","Clay doesn't want
boobie,he wants to drink a bottle.",etc. However,this latest little tidbit from "The Psychic Sister Network",I felt,was entirely bogus. So this morning I brought the shoes out,naively believing I'd see his usual huge grin and exuberance at the prospect of putting on shoes in preparation of getting out of the house. Imagine my surprise when instead I got a reaction that rivals the ones I get when I try to stick a bulb syringe up his nose!! WHY? I guess I will never know for certain,but I sure hope they haven't already decided that I don't know anything and that I'm out-of-touch with what is acceptable to wear in public these day,as my older kids tend to believe!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"It is like....SO FUNNY!"

For a while now Adriana's been launching off into "like" a Valley-Girl-esque speak of unknown origin. I guess it's slightly similar to the way Ashton talks at times,but not a lot! I first noticed it about a month ago....I was looking for a missing boot of hers. She got really excited and showed me how she'd tossed the boot behind her headboard on the floor. She pointed to it and said,"Look at it! It' FUNNY!" (Very exaggerated hand-gestures!) She said,"I want to take a picture of's LIKE....SO FUNNY! I want to put it on SPACEBOOK!" Ever since then she's kept a boot-just one-behind her bed!
This morning she woke up loud and bubbling over telling me all about a dream she had involving Clayton and some Ovaltine. This too,was,"Like....SO FUNNY!" At the end she sat and thought a minute,then said,"I just love Clay. He's like so funny. When I grow up I want to buy him some M&Ms or something!" (Of course this was all before he woke up today...later on in the morning he became,"Like...SO aggravating me,Mommy!"

Monday, March 7, 2011

"I'm finished with this."

That is what Clay told me this morning after he'd thrown all the crayons he could reach on the floor. It's funny because he's 19 months old and has very few words that he says on a regular basis,yet he blurts out complete sentences and phrases! It's all usually things that he hears Adriana say frequently. For instance,"I'm finished with this." is what she always tells me when she's done with her crayons,glue sticks etc.(items I put away after she's done,you know,to try to minimize the risk of unauthorized "art" on the walls.)
Clay has been "talking" for a LONG time,since way before he was old enough. So young,in fact,that I'd wonder if it was just my imagination,and definitely kept a lot of it to myself because I was certain nobody would believe it! I guess it was around his first birthday that I found out both my oldest daughter and my husband had had that same experience of,"Did he REALLY just say that??! REALLY!? When he does this he will never repeat it when prompted,or even answer questions. Instead he just says,"Huh?",in response to most anything said to forget trying to "prove" it. I love when he does it in front of witnesses! For example,on Christmas Day he said,"I can do it myself!" in front of my mother-in-law. (He was reaching onto a high buffet table with a huge spoon).When he was 13 months old my husband said,"Which kid is this in bed with us?" and Clay sat up and said,"Me! Me!" He often says things like,"I don't want that!" And "Me one of those?" Last night Adriana left piece of chewed gum on the bar and he popped it into his mouth before I could stop him,and he said,"I got gum!" He was marking all over himself with markers a few weeks ago and told me,"I'm doing this!" He tries to take up Adriana's slack,for instance if she's not in the room to ask for their vitamins when I open the cabinet,he'll say,"Vib-a-mins?" I break their vitamins-he gets approximately 1/3 of the tablet. He'll take his piece and deliver the remainder to Adriana,saying,"Here's your vib-a-min!" Never know what he'll say next and it's so much fun:)