Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"It is like....SO FUNNY!"

For a while now Adriana's been launching off into "like" a Valley-Girl-esque speak of unknown origin. I guess it's slightly similar to the way Ashton talks at times,but not a lot! I first noticed it about a month ago....I was looking for a missing boot of hers. She got really excited and showed me how she'd tossed the boot behind her headboard on the floor. She pointed to it and said,"Look at it! It' FUNNY!" (Very exaggerated hand-gestures!) She said,"I want to take a picture of's LIKE....SO FUNNY! I want to put it on SPACEBOOK!" Ever since then she's kept a boot-just one-behind her bed!
This morning she woke up loud and bubbling over telling me all about a dream she had involving Clayton and some Ovaltine. This too,was,"Like....SO FUNNY!" At the end she sat and thought a minute,then said,"I just love Clay. He's like so funny. When I grow up I want to buy him some M&Ms or something!" (Of course this was all before he woke up today...later on in the morning he became,"Like...SO aggravating me,Mommy!"

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